
  • Company Micro (1-3 Staff Members)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    R 3,967

    Membership allows for three (3) representatives to be listed. Representatives are transferable. Company logo is allowed to be used on the website and marketing collateral. 

  • Company SME (4-10 staff members)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    R 6,076

    Membership allows for four (4) to ten (10) representatives to be listed. Representatives are transferable. Company logo is allowed to be used on the website and marketing collateral.

  • Company Regional (11-50 staff members)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    R 7,804

    Membership allows for eleven (11) to fifty (50) representatives to be listed. Representatives are transferable. Company logo is allowed to be used on the website and marketing collateral.

  • Educational
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    R 7,804

    Membership runs from 1 January- 31 December to accommodate academic year. Only University, University of Technology, Hotel and Tourism Schools are allowed to be members. Will be used in the case where only lecturers applied to be members as opposed to students enrolled. Membership allows for up to three (3) faculty representatives to be listed.

  • Company National (51 + staff members)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price
    R 22,705

    Membership allows for unlimited number of representatives to be listed. Representatives are transferable. SAACI logo is allowed to be used on the website and marketing collateral.

  • Patron Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 54,877

    Membership allows for unlimited number of representatives to be listed. Representatives are transferable. SAACI logo is allowed to be used on the website and marketing collateral.